Precision Power, Unmatched Performance

Welcome  To G & R Hydraulics (Pty) Ltd

We have specialised in the manufacture of all makes of Hydraulic Cylinders and also the repair of all makes of Hydraulic Cylinders, Pumps, Motors, and Valves since the 1980s. We are also presently 51,22% Black Owned and 30.73% Black Woman-owned and therefore more than meet any requirements you may have in terms of the Mining Charter. We also hold SABS ISO 9001: 2015 and because of this are therefore also fully compliant with all your requirements in terms of Section 21 the Mine Health & Safety Act 29 of 1996 - a very important consideration!

It is possible that much of the work presently done for yourselves is not to proper specification and neither are items lasting as they should - sometimes possibly only lasting a few shifts/days. No business can afford to continue in this manner and solving this problem for you, not only as regards hydraulic cylinders but also hydraulic pumps, motors, and valves, is what G & R Hydraulics (Pty) Ltd is all about.

Cylinder Repairs

All our cylinder REPAIRS are done to the identical standard of a NEW cylinder i.e. all repairs at the very least comply with OEM specifications - and in fact even possibly exceed manufacturers specifications because of improvements that can be made to obtain a longer service life in local conditions. (See note regarding failure reports below). The fact that the performance and service life of a NEW cylinder is guaranteed on EVERY REPAIR means that the usual expectation for the service life of a repaired cylinder as being 60 % of the life of a new cylinder does NOT apply to cylinders repaired by ourselves.

Every cylinder repaired by ourselves is supplied back to you to the standard and specification of a new cylinder. Therefore repairing every cylinder and not scrapping it at the 60 % threshold means that not only every time you do this you are getting a new cylinder for the price of a repair but, most importantly, you are saving the difference between the cost of the repair and the price of the new cylinder that would otherwise have been purchased.
Depending on the threshold at which this decision has been taken your savings can be as much as 40%! (Cost of new @ 100% minus threshold @ 60%) This is a significant saving - all in addition to the savings in downtime and the increased productivity to be gained by having all your cylinders repaired/manufactured to a consistent and proper standard which we guarantee is the case in every instance.

What We Believe

We believe the mines own records reflect savings on hydraulic spend alone of over R1 million p.a. at the Millsell Mine since we became the supplier to this mine. These savings were achieved in competition with companies who may even be suppliers to yourselves at present - and although our claim may be disputed by many the facts remain - as a value-for-money supplier in terms of rands spent per hour worked we are very difficult to beat.

An international crane company - we attach an unsolicited letter from them detailing their experience in dealing with us. J.A. Engineering Works (Pty) Ltd We are proud to be accredited manufacturers and repairers for their machines. We are happy to supply further references should you require any.

Minimizing Hidden Costs and Ensuring Reliability 

We often find that because of the hidden cost/loss of production and mechanics time replacing hydraulic cylinders that have failed prematurely, many opposition companies could supply their cylinders at no charge to yourselves and still be much more expensive than ourselves overall. In addition to being one of the first hydraulic companies to obtain SABS certification in 1990, we use the Autodesk Inventor drafting and design package - which, besides being an advanced design and drafting package, allows us to simulate the operation of any cylinder and check for areas of weakness, incorrect tolerances etc etc - all before putting anything into production. On occasion we also draw items as existing and then use the program to assist in identifying weaknesses and possible causes of failure in the cylinder. These problems are then remedied after agreeing on a course of action in writing with yourselves.